On behalf of a commercial property owner, Sauerwein Simon attorney, Brandon Rothkopf obtained judgment at trial in an unlawful detainer action in the City of St. Louis.
Practical Expertise For Complex Business Litigation And Transactions
Month: May 2011
Illinois Real Estate Lawyers Assn
Sarah Holdener has joined the Illinois Real Estate Lawyers Association, an association comprised of experienced Illinois attorneys dedicated to assisting individuals and businesses in connection with real estate transactions of all types.
Sale of Domain Name
On behalf of a business client, Sauerwein Simon attorney, Brandon Rothkopf assisted the negotiation of the sale of a domain name and accompanying use rights to a foreign purchaser.
Paul Simon Jr. joins MOBAR Committee
Partner, Paul Simon Jr., was appointed to the newly created Mechanics Lien Subcommittee of the Missouri Bar’s Property Law Committee at this year’s Missouri Bar Spring Committee Meeting in Jefferson City, Missouri. The committee’s purpose is to explore and monitor...
Reformation of Legal Descriptions
On behalf of a lender, Sarah Holdener negotiated settlement and judgment by consent in a reformation and quiet title action involving multiple property owners, where seller’s deed had mistakenly conveyed an entire subdivision to the bank’s borrower and the deed of...