HSB Attorney Stewart Schneider reached a milestone as head of the firm's Title Curative Department. The firm has now resolved title issues involving over 1,000 properties in Missouri either by way of litigation or cooperation of the parties!
Practical Expertise For Complex Business Litigation And Transactions
Month: April 2021
Quiet Title Action Following Foreclosure in Illinois
Here, the court granted summary judgment to Defendant, a 3rd-party purchaser, who sought to quiet title to property which had been the subject of a foreclosure action filed in 2010 and an eviction action filed in 2018. The mortgage lender's lis pendens in the...
Illinois Mortgage Foreclosure and Question Over a Loan Modification
In this mortgage foreclosure action, the Court entered an order approving the sale of property in favor of the plaintiff bank. However, the defendant borrower had entered into a loan modification agreement with the bank prior to the sale. On appeal, the Court...
“Just and True Account” Needed for Mechanic’s Lien
In an action to enforce a mechanic's lien, Missouri law requires that the mechanic's lien include "a just and true account of the demand due . . . after all just credits [,]" and here the credits included credit for work not performed. In a recent case, the...